Education & Events, Efficently.

NMHA Compliance Roundtable
NMHA Members
Please join me, Martie Ross, and Kathy Reep from HSC-endorsed business partner PYA on Monday, August 5 at 12:30 pm (MT) for the August NMHA Member Compliance Roundtable. Martie and Kathy will be sharing updates on the federal regulatory landscape and analyzing how the US Supreme Court’s overturning of Chevron may impact federal healthcare policies and programs. If there are any state issues you’d like us to review, please let me know and we’ll add them to the agenda below.
Compliance Roundtable Agenda
Monday, August 5, 2024 | 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM (MT)
Welcome and Introductions
Julia Ruetten, NMHA
Federal Regulatory Scan & Updates
Martie Ross & Kathy Reep, PYA
The Fall of Chevron: Impact on Federal Health Policies and Programs
Martie Ross, PYA
State Regulatory Updates (if needed)
Julia Ruetten, NMHA
Open Topic Roundtable
All Attendees
As a reminder, this 90-minute roundtable is designed for hospital compliance officers and their teams, risk managers, in-house and contract counsel, and any others you would like to attend; please forward this email to others within your organization who may like to join. Please keep an eye out for the calendar invite that will be sent shortly.
Please let me know if you have questions and we look forward to seeing next month. Julia Ruetten, NMHA

Navigating the Guardianship Process
You’re invited to join NMHA’s Quality and Patient Safety team for a webinar titled, Navigating the Guardianship Process, presented by Joseph Turk, Legal Director, NM Office Guardianship on July 18 from 1pm to 2pm. Find more details in the attached flyer.
Learning Objectives:
What is guardianship and when should it be used -Alternatives to Guardianship, and how to avoid ending up in guardianship
The legal standard for seeking an emergency temporary guardianship
The legal process to have a guardian appointed, and who should be appointed
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 870 4520 3205
Passcode: 952605
Dial by your location
• +1 669 444 9171 US

PYA Webinar: Optimizing Clinical Trial Administration
Optimizing Clinical Trial Administration
Thursday, July 18th at 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. ET
Whether you’re looking to activate a clinical trial or you need help streamlining the management of your clinical trials program, PYA’s upcoming webinar, “Optimizing Clinical Trial Administration,” can help. Learn about some common challenges to clinical trial administration and ways you can address them in your organization.
During this webinar, PYA Principal Deborah Biggs, Director Jennifer Parnell, and Manager Katie Croswell will discuss some common clinical trial administration challenges and provide tips for addressing them in your organization.
Attendees will gain knowledge from these learning objectives:
Understand common clinical trial administration challenges in study startup and management
Identify process improvement opportunities and ways to optimize how trials are managed
Learn key best practices for clinical trial administration
Learn about the PYA Clinical Research Administration Office.

PYA Webinar: Revenue Recharge - Managed Care Contracting
Revenue Recharge: Managed Care Contracting
Thursday, May 2nd at 11:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. MT
This webinar is Episode 3 of PYA’s new Revenue Recharge series. In the series, PYA shares ways health systems and physicians can identify revenue opportunities, leading to a more sustainable and visionary future and better healthcare for patients. By addressing net revenue opportunities in your operational planning, you can support your mission.
Join Principal Jane Jerzak and Principal and Director of Business Intelligence & Analytics Jason Hardin as they discuss many aspects of managed care contracting. Specifically, they will cover the following key points:
How to identify gaps in expected vs actual reimbursement
Lessons learned in developing analytical models for payer reimbursement proposals
How to monitor contract performance and promptly address reimbursement issues

NMHA Member Compliance Roundtable
We look forward to seeing you on this coming Monday’s Spring 2024 NMHA Member Compliance Roundtable at 12:30 pm (MT). As a reminder, we’ll be discussing the recently concluded 2024 New Mexico Legislative Session and the newly enacted laws impacting our state’s hospitals. If you’re unable to attend, it will be recorded and made available for viewing afterward.
Attached are the meeting agenda and slides, and NMHA’s post-session wrap up. Please reach out with questions.

PYA CPE Webinar: The Pursuit Is On: Community Benefit
The Pursuit Is On: Community Benefit
Thursday, September 28th at 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. MT
* Attendees of the live webinar can earn 1 CPE* Credit in Specialized Knowledge.
Recently, four U.S. senators sent a letter to the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration expressing concerns about the state of tax-exempt hospital community benefit as reported on Form 990: Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax and Schedule H: Hospitals. The letter offers an opportunity to examine the reporting and consider ways to improve it.
During the webinar, PYA Principal Debbie Ernsberger and Senior Manager Abigail Campbell will discuss the history and trajectory of Schedule H and outline best practices for compiling community benefit data.
Webinar attendees will gain an understanding of the senators’ concerns about reporting and learn to more accurately report their hospitals’ data. Specifically, Debbie and Abigail will discuss these points:
The history of Schedule H
Schedule H stakeholders, including hospital associations and state legislative bodies
The content of the August 2023 senators’ letter
Best practices for compiling community benefit data and what you should be doing now
Save your spot here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

PYA Webinar: Value-Based Compensation Design
Value-Based Compensation Design
Thursday, September 21st at 11:00 am - 12:00 p.m. MT
On July 20, Angie Caldwell and Tynan Kugler kicked off the PYA UnScripted series with the topic, “Provider Compensation of the Future.” Participant answers* during the session informed the topic of the next webinar, “Value-Based Compensation Design.”
Join PYA thought leaders Angie Caldwell and Aaron Newcomer as they gather real-time answers and lead conversation using the following questions:
How ready is my organization for value-based compensation agreements?
How much compensation should be at risk?
How do I get physician buy-in?
Save your spot here.
The PYA UnScripted webinar series uses a lively, brisk, and conversational format to provide just-in-time information about the most urgent issues in the healthcare industry. Using real-time polling questions as conversation starters and guidance and knowledge from PYA experts, your answers direct the discussion.
*During the inaugural PYA UnScripted webinar on July 20, a clear majority of poll participants, 47%, said quality and engagement incentive compensation represents only 0-5% of physician base compensation, yet a large majority said quality and engagement incentive compensation should make up 20-25% of base compensation. Participants also stated overwhelmingly that quality and value-based incentive compensation is the most difficult to incorporate into their current compensation models.

Healthcare Dealbreakers – IT Nightmares That Could Kill the Deal
Healthcare Dealbreakers – IT Nightmares That Could Kill the Deal
Wednesday, August 23rd at 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. MT
The ever-evolving healthcare landscape can present opportunities for both investors and providers while improving care, but success requires careful navigation.
PYA is pleased to introduce a new complimentary webinar series, Healthcare Dealbreakers: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You.
Healthcare dealbreakers are rarely obvious; they lurk under the surface waiting to expose the uninformed who fail to exercise appropriate caution. Participants may learn hard lessons about the unique requirements of healthcare arrangements through lawsuits, failed deals, lost revenue, or compliance exposure.
Each quarter, PYA executives will share practical insights into some of the most complex issues in healthcare, helping investors and providers recognize the warning signs that signal trouble for a potential deal.
The first in our series covers IT and cybersecurity issues. While information technology (IT) due diligence is needed for any deal, it takes on a new level of importance in healthcare transactions. Failure to identify and understand technical vulnerabilities, lack of technology investment, or regulatory non-compliance can make a good deal go bad quickly.
Join Principal Barry Mathis to hear personal and practical experiences for conducting large IT diligence projects. You will learn how these projects uncovered details that ultimately altered or strengthened deals on behalf of investors. Venture capitalists who understand this risk-laden aspect of a healthcare transaction can better navigate compliance issues and HIPAA requirements to protect and grow their investments.
Specifically, Mathis will address these areas of IT in the healthcare industry:
How could cybersecurity influence an investment or acquisition decision?
What is reviewed during an IT due diligence assessment?
What are the five biggest risks of IT when closing a deal?
What are the five steps to a successful IT diligence assessment?
Save your spot here.
The next Healthcare Dealbreakers webinar will take place in October. Watch for upcoming events on our series webpage and on LinkedIn.

Join NMHA member hospitals and HSC-endorsed business partner PYA for NMHA’s first virtual Compliance Roundtable on August 21 at 12:30 p.m. This 90-minute meeting is designed as an opportunity to share state and federal regulatory developments and for open discussion with NMHA staff and hospital subject matter experts about compliance topics impacting your hospital. Hospital compliance officers and their teams, risk managers, in-house and contract counsel and any others you would like to attend are invited and encouraged to attend.
The agenda is under development but will include an overview of federal legislation that, if passed, would impact hospitals, including proposed changes related to price transparency, the evolving landscape of federal telehealth rules, and an open roundtable for discussion among attendees.
Please contact Julia Ruetten, NMHA Director, Government Regulation, jruetten@nmhsc.com or 505-340-9489, with any questions.
August 21, 2023, 12:30 – 2:00 PM Mountain
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89031170409?pwd=NERESzhaUWMyNFFsY3B6MEdYdXJGdz09
Meeting ID: 890 3117 0409, Passcode: 640950

FY2024 Final Rules — Getting Ready for October 1
FY2024 Final Rules — Getting Ready for October 1
Wednesday, August 16th at 9 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. MT
In late July, CMS released the FY2024 final rules for hospital inpatient prospective payment system (PPS), long-term care hospital PPS, skilled nursing facility PPS, hospice payment rate update, inpatient psychiatric facility PPS, and inpatient rehabilitation facility PPS. The FY2024 final rules go into effect on October 1, the start of the federal fiscal year.
Join PYA’s Martie Ross and Kathy Reep as they discuss key provisions of these rules:
Payment rate updates
Value-based purchasing program measure and scoring modifications
Quality reporting program changes
Hospital DSH payment reductions
Changes to hospital add-on payment policies
New exclusions to SNF consolidated billing
Save your spot here.
Twice each month, PYA experts discuss the latest industry regulatory developments during our popular Healthcare Regulatory Roundup (HCRR) webinar series.

PYA Unscripted: Provider Compensation Design of the Future
PYA Unscripted: Provider Compensation Design of the Future
Thursday, July 20th at 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET
Spontaneous learning. Enduring knowledge. In real-time.
The PYA Unscripted webinar series uses a lively, brisk, and conversational format to provide just-in-time information about the most urgent issues in the healthcare industry. Using real-time polling questions as conversation starters and guidance and knowledge from PYA experts, your answers direct the discussion. Get ready. The pace is brisk. The topics are relevant. The discussion is lively. And the knowledge is enduring.
Join PYA thought leaders Angie Caldwell and Tynan Kugler on July 20 as they kick off the PYA Unscripted series with Provider Compensation of the Future. Be ready to engage in real-time polling and lively, interactive discussion.
During this session, PYA thought leaders will spark conversation by polling the audience with questions on everyone’s mind:
Is wRVU productivity compensation the way of the past?
How should provider work effort be measured in the future?
How important will outcome-based compensation be to future compensation plans?
Save your spot here.
This webinar is part of the PYA Unscripted webinar series. Watch for more sessions throughout 2023.

Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Traversing Tricky Situations in Common Call Coverage Scenarios
Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Traversing Tricky Situations in Common Call Coverage Scenarios
Tuesday, June 27th at 9:00 – 9:30 a.m. MDT
To continue a dialogue on timely but occasionally tough or tricky topics in physician compensation and fair market value, PYA surveyed more than 50 physician compensation experts and other healthcare professionals to understand their collective thoughts on the topics in 2023. These issues include but are not limited to the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and its impact on physician compensation; compensating physicians who work collaboratively with advanced practice practitioners; new trends in physician compensation and productivity benchmark surveys; and better performing practices in hospital-based specialty subsidies, just to name a few.
PYA Principal Lyle Oelrich and Senior Manager Zach Doolin will explore tricky situations in the following call coverage scenarios:
Employment Call Coverage
Independent Contractor Call Coverage
Market Shortage Call Coverage
Physician/ Advanced Practice Practitioner Call Coverage
Concurrent Call Coverage
Save your spot here.
More Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Physician Compensation & Fair Market Value Topics in 2023 webinars will be announced soon. View the entire Timely, Tough, or Tricky series.

PYA Summer CPE Symposium: “What’s Hot in Healthcare” Two-Day Event - June 22 & 23
PYA Summer CPE Symposium: “What’s Hot in Healthcare” Two-Day Event
June 22 & 23 at 8:00 a.m. – 10:15 p.m. MDT
PYA is pleased to present the second annual Summer CPE Symposium, taking place June 22 & 23, 2023. During two complimentary half-day virtual sessions, PYA’s team of thought leaders and guest speakers will offer in-depth and timely information focused on a variety of trending healthcare financial and compliance topics. Our sessions include the following:
Day One (please register here):
State of the Healthcare Industry - Panel Discussion
Understanding Your 340B Program – Key Updates for 2023
Day Two (please register here):
The Financial Effects of Healthcare’s Physical Environment
Not-for-Profit: Risk Assessment - SAS 145 Updates
Schedule for Both Days:
Opening Comments: 10:00 a.m. – 10:05 a.m.
First Session: 10:05 a.m. – 11:05 a.m.
Break: 11:05 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Second Session: 11:15 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Closing Comments: 12:15 p.m.
Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Traversing Tricky Situations in Common Call Coverage Scenarios
Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Traversing Tricky Situations in Common Call Coverage Scenarios
Tuesday, June 27th at 11:00 – 11:30 a.m. ET
To continue a dialogue on timely but occasionally tough or tricky topics in physician compensation and fair market value, PYA surveyed more than 50 physician compensation experts and other healthcare professionals to understand their collective thoughts on the topics in 2023. These issues include but are not limited to the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and its impact on physician compensation; compensating physicians who work collaboratively with advanced practice practitioners; new trends in physician compensation and productivity benchmark surveys; and better performing practices in hospital-based specialty subsidies, just to name a few.
PYA Principal Lyle Oelrich and Senior Manager Zach Doolin will explore tricky situations in the following call coverage scenarios:
Employment Call Coverage
Independent Contractor Call Coverage
Market Shortage Call Coverage
Physician/ Advanced Practice Practitioner Call Coverage
Concurrent Call Coverage
Save your spot here.
More Timely, Tough, or Tricky – Physician Compensation & Fair Market Value Topics in 2023 webinars will be announced soon. View the entire Timely, Tough, or Tricky series.

Debt Limit Deal & Other Legislative Developments
Debt Limit Deal & Other Legislative Developments
Wednesday, June 14th at 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. MDT
Earlier this month, Congress passed the Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) to increase the federal debt limit, rescind unobligated COVID-19-related funds, establish new discretionary spending limits, and expand work requirements for federal programs.
Please join PYA’s Martie Ross and Kathy Reep as they discuss the FRA’s impact on providers, including the future of the Provider Relief Fund. Martie and Kathy also will address pending legislation relating to:
Price Transparency
Site Neutral Payments
340B Program
Medicaid DSH
Mandatory Reporting of Ownership Changes
Save your spot here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

Reading the Tea Leaves — What’s Up Next in Healthcare Regulation
Reading the Tea Leaves — What’s Up Next in Healthcare Regulation
Wednesday, April 12th at 11 a.m. ET
As CMS’s annual rulemaking process kicks off in April, we will present some educated guesses on what to expect (and what deserves your attention) over the next several months. During this one-hour webinar, PYA’s Martie Ross and Kathy Reep will discuss:
Healthcare provisions in the President’s budget proposal
MedPAC’s latest report to Congress
Status of IPPS, OPPS, MPFS, and other reimbursement-related rulemaking
Medicare Advantage final rate announcement
No Surprises Act regulations
HIPAA rules
Survey and enforcement activities
Save your spot here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

Getting Ready for May 11—the End of the COVID-19 PHE- Webinar provided by PYA for NM Members
Our PYA partners will be presenting end of PHE to NM members. HHS waived or modified nearly 200 federal regulatory requirements to assist providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. With the end of the public health emergency rapidly approaching, providers must untangle themselves from these waivers and flexibilities and return to “normal” operations. This webinar will address the key changes for hospitals and provide a checklist which addresses the compliance requirements for the end of the PHE.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 4934 4055
Passcode: 612250
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Leveraging technology to reduce contingent labor costs
Qualivis is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, March 8 at 11:00 a.m. MST for an inside look at their holistic approach to reducing your contingent labor costs.
Learning Objectives:
• Discuss how to use reduce contingent labor spend by leveraging Qualivis' proprietary technology and analytics platform, Lotus Connect
• Discover workforce strategies to rebuild internal workforces through permanent staffing and engaging the gig economy
• Explore how Lotus Connect goes beyond a standard VMS with internal resource pool management and app-based deployment

Getting Ready for May 11—the End of the COVID-19 PHE
Getting Ready for May 11—the End of the COVID-19 PHE
Wednesday, March 1st at 9:00 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. MST
On January 30, the Biden Administration announced it would not renew the current COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) declaration, meaning it will expire on May 11. During this webinar, PYA’s Martie Ross and Kathy Reep will discuss the impact that the termination of numerous regulatory flexibilities will have on healthcare providers. They will provide practical solutions for providers preparing for the end of the PHE. Topics include:
Medicare telehealth flexibilities
Medicaid determinations
Payments for COVID-19 testing and treatment
Hospital capacity
Discharge planning and post-acute care
Staffing flexibilities
Administrative tasks
Provider enrollment
Stark Law waivers
Hospital-at-home program
AUDIENCE QUESTIONS ARE REQUESTED. To help us make this webinar as helpful as possible, please let us know if you have a specific question you would like Martie and Kathy to address. You will be provided a place to ask your question on the registration form.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

Connect with the Gig Economy as a Flexible Employer
Employers in today's healthcare environment know you're either flexible, or you're finished. Put simply, today’s clinicians require flexibility and technology-enabled solutions. Only Connect can power the full scope of your workforce needs.
Connect goes beyond traditional VMS capabilities to put you in control and reduce premium labor costs:
Become a flexible employer with internal resource pool management and Shifts app-based deployment technology.
Access the largest clinical marketplace for perm staff and float pool recruitment.
Gain full transparency on market rate trends and talent pool availability.
Join us on Wednesday, February 8 for a LIVE product demonstration of Connect to see how you can access these tools today.

So Many Proposed Rules...So Little Time
The federal healthcare regulatory agencies were busy during the holiday season publishing proposed rules on a wide range of important topics, from prior authorizations to privacy protections for patient records. During this upcoming webinar, PYA’s Kathy Reep and Martie Ross will highlight key provisions of the following proposed rules, including specific issues for which your organization may want to submit comments:
CMS: Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes (comment period closes March 13, 2023)
CMS: Contract Year 2024 Policy and Technical Changes to Medicare Advantage (comment period closes February 13, 2023)
CMS: Adoption of Standards for Healthcare Attachments Transactions and Electronic Signatures (comment period closes March 23, 2023)
Federal Trade Commission: Non-Compete Clause Rule (comment period closes March 20, 2023)
Office of Civil Rights: Safeguarding the Rights of Conscience as Protected by Federal Statutes (comment period closes March 6, 2023)
Office of Civil Rights: Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records (comment period closes January 21, 2023)
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

Hospital Price Transparency- Where Do We Go From Here
PYA Presents:
“Hospital Price Transparency- Where Do We Go From Here”
Tuesday, November 1st, at 2:00 p.m. EDT
It’s been nearly two years since regulations issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services requiring hospitals to post their charges became effective. Now there are significant opportunities for hospitals to use this data to improve their payer contracting strategies. During this webinar, PYA’s Martie Ross, Kathy Reep, and Jason Hardin will address:
Summary of regulatory requirements
Latest data on hospital compliance
Mounting attacks on hospital prices
Comparison of hospital prices on key services – locally, regionally, and nationally
Comparison of hospital negotiated rates by payer
How to leverage price transparency data in payer negotiations
Learn more and register here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

PYA Webinar: Timely, Tough, or Tricky—Physician Compensation and FMV Topics in 2022 (The Proposed 2023 MPFS)
Timely, Touch or Tricky FMV/Physician Compensation
Tuesday, September 20th, at 11:00 a.m. EDT
On July 7, 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) Proposed Rule. It has several proposed changes, some of which involve physician compensation, making it a “timely” topic in our ongoing webinar series. In a new webinar, PYA Principal Lyle Oelrich and Senior Manager Katie Taylor will discuss key proposed MPFS updates impacting physician compensation and fair market value (FMV) and what steps organizations should take now to prepare for the anticipated changes.
Learn more and register here.
This webinar is number 6 in the ongoing webinar series.

PYA Webinar: “Physician Compensation and the Three Rs of Rural Markets — Reality, Recruiting, Regulatory Considerations”
Physician Compensation and the Three R’s of Rural Markets- Reality, Recruiting, Regulatory Considerations
Wednesday, September 7th at 9:00 a.m. MDT
Rural markets face different challenges when it comes to recruiting and retaining physicians for hospitals and health systems. PYA Principals Angie Caldwell and Martie Ross will cover the realities of rural medicine and how significant those challenges can be in “Physician Compensation and the Three Rs of Rural Markets—Reality, Recruiting, Regulatory Considerations.” Along with case studies and best practices, the presentation will detail:
Rural hospital closures and population loss.
Recruiting to your strategy.
Knowing your market and competition.
Rural physician compensation legends debunked
Attendees of the live webinar are eligible for 1 CPE* credit in Specialized Knowledge.
Learn more and register here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

Rural Emergency Hospital Program – Proposed Rules
Rural Emergency Hospital Program – Proposed Rules
Wednesday, July 13th at 9:00 a.m. MST
Join PYA Principal Martie Ross and Senior Manager Kathy Reep for a discussion of the recently-released proposed rules implementing the Rural Emergency Hospital (REH) Program including the application and conversion process, Conditions of Participation, payment methodology, scope of services, and quality reporting requirements.
Martie and Kathy also will address the proposed changes to the Conditions of Participation for Critical Access Hospitals, including patient rights, infection control, and performance improvement.
Learn more and register here.
This complimentary webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.

Timely, Tough, or Tricky—Fair Market Value Specific to Physician Services in Rural Markets and Call Coverage Compensation, Including COVID-19 Implications
Please mark your calendars for an upcoming PYA webinar, “Timely, Tough, or Tricky—Fair Market Value Specific to Physician Services in Rural Markets and Call Coverage Compensation, Including COVID-19 Implications” on Tuesday, July 12th at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Additional details for the webinar are included below. As always, feel free to share this notice with your colleagues and members, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to Merle Glasgow, Kathy Reep, or me with questions and/or requests for additional webinar topics. Thank you!
Timely, Tough, or Tricky—Fair Market Value Specific to Physician Services in Rural Markets and Call Coverage Compensation, Including COVID-19 Implications
Tuesday, July 12th at 9:00 a.m. MST
To begin a dialogue on timely, but occasionally, tricky topics in physician compensation and fair market value (FMV), PYA surveyed more than 30 physician compensation experts to understand the collective thoughts on issues impacting these topics in 2022. These issues include, but are not limited to:
Nuances Related to the Determination of FMV Specific to Physician Services in Rural Markets
Key Factors Impacting Call Coverage Compensation, Including COVID-19 Implications
Join PYA Principal Lyle Oelrich and Senior Manager Katie Taylor for a 30-minute webinar in which they will discuss these two topics.
Learn more and register here.
Be sure to view our other “Timely, Tough, or Tricky” webinars. During this series, attendees can also share questions or their experiences regarding the most pressing physician compensation and FMV issues. Look for more sessions to come as they are formally scheduled, and we continue to collect participants’ input.

The Great Unwind—Preparing for the End of the PHE
Please mark your calendars for an upcoming PYA webinar, “The Great Unwind—Preparing for the End of the PHE” on Wednesday, March 23rd at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Additional details for the webinar are included below. As always, feel free to share this notice with your colleagues and members, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to Merle Glasgow, Kathy Reep, or me with questions and/or requests for additional webinar topics. Thank you!
The Great Unwind—Preparing for the End of the PHE
Wednesday, March 23rd at 11:00 a.m. EDT
After two long years, we may be nearing the end of the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE). But with the end of the PHE comes the end of waivers and flexibilities intended to ensure access and reduce burden during the pandemic. During this webinar, PYA Principal Martie Ross will review those waivers and discuss how providers should be preparing for the return to normal operations (or the new normal). The webinar will cover the following:
Telehealth and Virtual Services
Scope of PHE waiver
Impact of 2022 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule Final Rule (expanded telehealth services)
Impact of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (tele-behavioral health services)
Impact of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022 (151-day post-PHE waiver extension)
Agency enforcement discretion (licensure, waiver of co-payments, HIPAA compliance)
Hospital Capacity
Temporary sites
Swing beds
Acute Hospital Care at Home Program
Paperwork Reduction and Other Regulatory Flexibilities
Impact of Medicaid Disenrollment
Attendees of this one-hour complimentary webinar will be eligible for 1 CPE* credit in Specialized Knowledge. Learn more and register here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.
If you would like assistance with waivers for telehealth and virtual services; hospital capacity issues; or with any matter involving compliance, valuation, or strategy and integration, one of our executive contacts would be happy to assist. You may email them below, or call (800) 270-9629. You can also visit PYA’s COVID-19 hub.

PYA: Providing and Billing for Care Management and Remote Monitoring Services
Providing and Billing for Care Management and Remote Monitoring Services
Wednesday, March 9th at 1:00 p.m. ET
Over the last decade, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has been expanding reimbursement for care management and remote monitoring services for Medicare beneficiaries. During this one-hour webinar, PYA Principal Martie Ross will review the latest developments, including:
• Increased reimbursement for chronic care management services.
• Expanded code set for care management services.
• Billing rules for remote physiologic monitoring.
• New reimbursement for remote therapeutic monitoring.
• Flexibilities associated with the COVID-19 public health emergency (and what happens after it ends).
Attendees of this complimentary webinar will be eligible for 1 CPE* credit in Specialized Knowledge. Learn more and register here.
This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly “Healthcare Regulatory Roundup” series in which experts from across the firm provide practical insights on the latest regulatory developments.
You can also download white papers from PYA covering these individual topics: “Providing and Billing Medicare for Remote Patient Monitoring” and “Providing and Billing Medicare for Chronic Care Management and Related Services.”