Safety and Loss Prevention Services
We help you Create a safe and cost effective workplace
HSC provides a wide variety of specialized services to assist employers, large and small, in achieving a safer work place by sharing "industry best practices" in training.
Our custom-designed safety programs will ensure that you are fully compliant with OSHA, EPA, CDC, NFPA, IFC, ADA, and other regulatory issues.
We provide a comprehensive safety audit at your premises designed specifically to detect and correct deficiencies before an accident occurs. A detailed report is provided which includes photographs and also notes areas of best practices at your facility.
Employees and managers will benefit on the training we can provide for topics on back safety, blood borne pathogens, slip, trip and fall prevention and many others. We can assist you in establishing safety policy formulations and in developing safety committees to review your incidents and claims to drill down root causes.
In addition to safety training and audits, we also conduct infrared electrical panel testing and employee workstation ergonomic evaluations.
HSC provides a wide variety of comprehensive services to those employers seeking better management of injured workers claims to quickly return your injured employees back to productive work.